New particle collider? New space telescope? This principle helps scientists decide
“Discovery potential” reflects the gap between today’s best scientific tools and what current (or projected) technology could enable.

Cosmology 101 and the challenge of science communication
Astrophysicist Katie Mack discusses the art of distilling intricate, interconnected ideas into concise, accessible, and engaging videos.

SciPost, a case study in open science
Envisioned as a fee-free alternative to the traditional academic publishing model, funding shortfalls threaten SciPost’s future.

Is it time for “publish or perish” to perish?
Science needs to stop rewarding publication quantity over quality – or risk missing out on major breakthroughs.

Sometimes a theorist’s job is to be wrong
Astrophysics is so awash in experimental data that theorists are bound to often be fruitfully wrong about what it all means.

Small data can make for big science
Luna Zagorac started her astrophysics career at a small telescope where she learned that, in research, bigger doesn't mean better.

Is peer review failing its peer review?
The state of peer review is “pretty bad," according to a watchdog monitoring the rising flood of retracted papers, but fixes are possible.